Rithika Sankar

  • 4th Year Graduate Student

Dissertation Research

The Hainer lab studies the similarities and differences in chromatin structure among different cell types. We are particularly interested in understanding how chromatin regulatory factors and the non-coding transcriptome affect cell fate decisions. I’m studying the role of the conserved histone chaperone, FACT,  in maintaining mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency. This project in its core involves chromatin biology and aims to take a systems approach by integrating with computational biology and genomics.

Dissertation Mentor

Dr. Sarah Hainer

Education & Training

  • SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India B.Tech in Genetic Engineering (2015-2019)

Representative Publications

Wang, Yuliang, Abdiasis M. Hussein, Logeshwaran Somasundaram, Rithika Sankar, Damien Detraux, Julie Mathieu, and Hannele Ruohola-Baker. "MicroRNAs regulating human and mouse naïve pluripotency." International journal of molecular sciences 20, no. 23 (2019): 5864.